The 4 Types of Tubal Blockage Every Woman Should Know About             

The 4 Types of Tubal Blockage Every Woman Should Know About             

In about 40% of women, tubal blockage is the most common cause of infertility.

The egg travels through the Fallopian tubes to reach the uterus and a blockage of these tubes can avoid the passage.

This type of blockage can take several forms depending on the different parts of the tubes involved.

We will go over the four types of tubal blockage and the treatment to improve chances of naturally conceiving.

What are Fallopian Tubes?

What are Fallopian Tube?
What are Fallopian Tube?

Fallopian tubes also known as “the tubes” are the structures that connect both sides of the uterus.

Each tube measures ten centimeters in length. The “cornu” is the part attaching to the uterus, while the “fimbria” is the part that is free.

The fimbria is present near the ovary, picks up the ovum, and transports it inside the tube. The cornu receives the sperm from the uterus and passes it inside.

Inside the tube, the sperm and the egg meet to form the embryo, which travel down the tubes into the uterus and then conception start.

What happens During Tubal Blockage?

What happens if tubes are blocked?

Pregnancy is impossible if there is a complete blockage anywhere along the tube length (cornu, fimbria, or middle).

If there is partial blockage, the sperm and egg can pass through and meet, but the embryo cannot descend into the uterus.

As a result, the pregnancy continues inside the tube, a condition known as “Ectopic pregnancy,” which is dangerous to the mother’s health.

It’s important to remember that even if both tubes are open, ectopic pregnancy can occur.

What are the Reasons for Tubal Blockage?

What are the reasons for tubal blockage?

Often, the exact cause is not known, but Infection is the most common cause.

The infections could be as a result of sexually transmitted infection (STI), such as Chlamydia, or a bowel infection.

Tuberculosis is very common and can affect the tubes silently, without affecting any other parts (not even the lungs) of the body. 

Tubal blockage is frequently as a result of endometriosis. Any pelvic surgery (surgery in ovaries, tubes, uterus, even appendix) can block the tubes by “adhesion”.

Sometimes fibroid can compress the tube and cause blockage. Women with previous history of ectopic pregnancy, are at risk.

Occasionally, some abnormalities that have existed since birth can obstruct the tubes.

What are the Types of Tubal Blockage?

What are the Types of fallopian tube blockages?

One or both sides of the tube can be affected . It could be limited to a single tube part or multiple tube parts.

The site of the block may be the cornu, the fimbria or the middle portion.



The blockage of a woman’s Fallopian tube is a result of fluid buildup and dilation of the tube’s end, which is known as hydrosalpinx.

It usually happens near the ovary at the fimbrial end of the tube, but it can also happen at the other end of the tube where it connects to the uterus.

The term hydrosalpinx comes from Greek, with hydro meaning water and salpinx meaning tube.

When there is tubal blockage, the cells inside the tube secrete fluid that is unable to escape, causing the tube to dilate.

This prevents fertilization by blocking an ovulated egg from moving from the ovary to the Fallopian tube. When an ovulated egg is able to fertilize with a sperm, the hydrosalpinx will likely prevent the resulting embryo from reaching the uterus.

It can also potentially cause a dangerous ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo implant outside the uterus and result in a life-threatening situation.

When hydrosalpinx is present in one of the fallopian tubes, it is often common in the other one as well, known as bilateral hydrosalpinx.

Hydrosalpinx can also negatively impact fertility treatment.

According to the National Institutes of Health, when hydrosalpinx fluid is present in a woman undergoing assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, it reduces the success of such treatments by half compared with woman who do not have hydrosalpinx.

Scientists are not sure why this is the case but suspect that hydrosalpinx causes embryo and egg toxicity and affects the endometrium in ways that result in poor embryo implantation and growth.



Pyosalpinx is a condition in which the Fallopian tube becomes cluttered with pus and swells.

The Fallopian tube is the tube that connect the ovaries to the uterus in women. Eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus via the Fallopian tube.

A complication of pelvic inflammatory disease is pyosalpinx (PID). The infection of a woman’s reproductive organs is known as PID.

It occurs in approximately 16% of all PID cases resulting from variety of infections, including gonorrhea and tuberculosis.

It’s most common in women ages 20 to 40. Not every woman has symptoms from pyosalpinx.

Symptoms of pyosalpinx

  • Pain in the lower belly that comes and goes
  • Painful lump in the lower belly
  • Pain before your periods
  • Fever
  • Pain during sex

Infertility is another symptom of pyosalpinx because eggs must travel down the Fallopian tube before fertilization and implantation in the uterus.

If there is blockage of tube with pus or a damage by pyosalpinx, you will not be able to get pregnant.

When there’s an infection, the immune system sends out an army of white blood cells to fight it.

The fallopian tube can become clogged with these cells. Pus is a collection of dead white blood cells.

The fallopian tube swells and expands as it fills with pus resulting to Pyosalpinx.



Hematosalpinx is the accumulation of blood in fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancy is the most common cause, but it can also result from PID, endometriosis, or pelvic trauma.

A hematosalpinx can be caused by a variety of factors, the most common of which is a tubal pregnancy. It can also be caused by tubal disease.

A hematosalpinx can also be associated with endometriosis or tubal carcinoma. Further, if menstrual blood flow is obstructed (cryptomenorrhea), caused for instance by a transverse vaginal septum, and gets backed up it may lead to a hematosalpinx.  

A hematosalpinx from other conditions may be painless but could lead to uterine bleeding

Blood may also escape into the peritoneal cavity leading to a hemoperitoneum. 
In all of these cases, diagnosis of hematosalpinx can be by gynecologic ultrasound examination.



Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Almost all cases, including sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea and chlamydia, are caused by bacterial infection.

The inflammation prompts extra fluid secretion or even pus to collect inside the Fallopian tube. Infection of one tube normally leads to infection of the other, since the bacteria migrates via the nearby lymph vessels.

Salpingitis is one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Without prompt treatment, the infection may permanently damage the fallopian tube so that the eggs released at each menstrual cycle can not meet up with sperm.

Scarring and blockage of the fallopian tubes is the most frequent, long-term complication of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

However, the umbrella term of PID includes other infections of the female reproductive system.

In milder cases, salpingitis may have no symptoms. This means the Fallopian tubes may become damaged without the woman even realizing she has an infection.

Symptoms of salpingitis

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge, such as unusual colour or smell
  • Spotting between periods
  • Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods)
  • Pain during ovulation
  • Uncomfortable or painful sexual intercourse
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain on both sides
  • Lower back pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea and vomiting

These symptoms usually appear after the menstrual period.

The conditions that may give rise to this problem can include: 

  1. Genital tuberculosis (the TB infection that occurs in the genital tract)
  2. Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in which the embryo places itself outside the uterus)
  3. Tubal ligation removal
  4. Complications related to surgery of the lower abdomen
  5. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  6. Uterine fibroids (benign growths that occur in the uterus)
  7. Endometriosis (development of uterine tissue outside of the organ) 

These disorders can lead to the development of scar tissue, adhesions, polyps or tumors to form inside the pathway.

Additionally, the tubes can also get stuck to other body parts such as ovaries, bladder, uterus and bowels.

In Conclusion

Two things can happen to the Fallopian tubes. Either they become twisted, or the tube walls may stick together, leading to a complete blockage.

Moreover, if there are partial damage on the tube, they can remain open so as to enable pregnancy to occur, while increasing your risk for ectopic pregnancy.

In case you have a blocked Fallopian tube, our tubal blockage remedy kit at Plan B Wellness Limited would remove and unblock the blocked Fallopian tubes naturally without the need for surgery. No matter how large the scar tissues or adhesions blocking a woman’s Fallopian tubes may be.

Hundreds of women have benefited from the program in more than 20 countries throughout the world.

Click here to see some testimonials and feedback.

If you have tubal blockage, there are treatments to improve your chances of conceiving naturally.

Also, if you do not have tubal blockage, but you’re experiencing one of the symptoms above, seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid consequences.

Plan B Wellness

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