4 Major Causes of Tubal Blockage You Need to Know About

4 Major Causes of Tubal Blockage You Need to Know About

In this article, we’ll look at the four most common causes of tubal blockage and how to avoid them and also how to treat them, if you are already affected.

Blocked fallopian tubes is one of the major causes of infertility in women of child-bearing ages.

It can be bothersome, especially if you have tried and failed to overcome it.

To understand what causes fallopian tube blockage, you must first understand what fallopian tubes are.

What are Fallopian Tubes?

Fallopian tube

The fallopian tubes are two small, fine tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. They are also known as uterine tubes.

An egg can move into the uterus through the fallopian tubes and be fertilized.

Understanding the Role of the Fallopian Tubes

The fallopian tubes must be in perfect condition in order for conception to take place.

A mature egg released by an ovary is captured by a fallopian tube during conception.

Sperm then enters the uterus via the cervix and travels to the fallopian tube to fertilize the waiting egg.

After that, the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it will implant, resulting in pregnancy.

How Tubal Blockage Affects Fertility

types of tubal blockage

When a fallopian tube is clogged in any way, it makes it impossible to conceive by preventing sperm from reaching a fertilized egg from reaching the uterus, making pregnancy extremely difficult.

4 Causes of Tubal Blockage

Described in details below and the 4 major and the most common causes of tubal blockage.

1. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Blocked fallopian tubes are frequently caused by infection. The most common cause of fallopian tube infection is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).

PID is a fallopian tube infection caused by sexually transmitted bacteria spreading from the vaginal to the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Infections can cause the fallopian tubes’ tissues to enlarge, resulting in obstruction.

Scar tissue may form within the fallopian tubes if left untreated, causing additional blockage.

In rare situations, the infection might spread to the bloodstream, which can be life-threatening.

So, if you ever suffer one or more of the symptoms listed below, it’s advisable to seek treatment:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen
  • Painful sex
  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling or increased vaginal discharge
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Tiredness
  • Painful urination

Click here to read about the natural remedy to overcome PID fast to avoid fertility complications.

2. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a prevalent and painful condition that affects millions of women worldwide. It is one of the top three causes of female infertility.

Tissue that looks like an endometrial tissue begins to grow outside the uterus in places where it shouldn’t grow, for unclear reasons.

It can develop in or on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus-supporting structures, and the lining of the pelvic cavity.

Abnormal tissue behaves similarly to normal endometrial tissue, which grows and breaks down during your menstrual cycle.

As a result, irritation and inflammation are produced by the rogue tissue. If this happens in the fallopian tube, it can cause scarring and blockage of the tubes, preventing the egg and sperm from meeting.

3. Tubal Ligation: Intentionally Blocking the Fallopian Tubes                          

To avoid future pregnancy, some women prefer to have their fallopian tubes closed.

Tubal ligation (tubectomy) is a technique that involves the sealing, clamping, obstructing, or severing of the fallopian tubes.

Although, many women who choose tubal ligation believe they are finished having children or never want children.

4. Scar Tissue

Scar tissues might form as a result of a previous abdominal or pelvic surgery, or as a complication of PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease: a slow and progressive circulation disorder) and infection.

Surgery for ectopic pregnancy is one of the most prevalent surgical causes of scar formation in the fallopian tubes.

Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg develops outside of the uterus, in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening, thus surgery to remove the embryo is frequently required.

Treating Tubal Blockage


The best treatment for tubal blockage will typically involve addressing the root cause of the blockage.

Tubal surgery (tuboplasty) is a term used to describe a variety of treatments used to treat problems with the fallopian tubes.

Laparoscopic surgery can be used to remove a tubal obstruction caused by a minor amount of scar tissue or adhesions and open the tubes.

Treatment to eliminate obstructions may not be viable if there is a lot of scar tissue or adhesions blocking the Fallopian tubes.

The diseased part of the Fallopian tubes can be removed through surgery, and the two healthy parts can be joined, resulting in a blockage again.

Please keep in mind that surgical operations can have unintended consequences in some circumstances, which cannot be predicted in advance. As a result, it’s a good idea to ask questions and look for less invasive alternatives such as the one here.

Herbal Remedy for Tubal Blockage

Our tubal blockage remedy kit unblocks the blocked Fallopian tubes naturally without the need for surgery, no matter the type of blockage it is.

Hundreds of women have benefited from the program in more than 20 countries throughout the world.

Click here to see some testimonials and feedback.

If you have a blocked Fallopian tube, get it treated to improve your chances of conceiving naturally.

If your tubes aren’t blocked but you’re experiencing one of the symptoms listed above, seek treatment to avoid consequences.

Plan B Wellness

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